Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies to improve user experience.


Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. With every subsequent visit to the website, the browser retrieves this information and provides you with relevant services.


The cookies used on this site are divided into categories:


  • Strictly necessary cookies – Functionality cookies: These cookies are essential for the operation of the site and the enhancement of its usability.
  • Statistic Cookies- cookies that help the website owners understand how visitors interact with the web pages collecting information and reporting it anonymously with the sole purpose of improving website functions. Such cookies are used by us or by third parties on our behalf.
  • Unclassified Cookies-cookies that haven’t been classified into cookie categories according to their type and purpose. Unclassified cookies can be classified manually by researching the cookie provider or the cookie function to determine their purpose.


The legal bases for the processing of data collected through cookies (except strictly necessary cookies) is user’s consent. Besides the technical necessary cookies which are mandatory, all other categories require your consent prior to use. Therefore, these categories are not pre-selected and you may freely choose any category you wish in any level of cookies analysis you opt for.


Cookies are stored on the computer of a user, who can fully control their application. Users can disable or restrict cookies by adjusting their browser settings. This process can also be carried out through automatic configuration. However, please note that restricting cookies may impact the performance and functionality of our site.


This document was updated on 14/07/2021:

Strictly necessary
Cookie NamePlaced byPurposeExpiresType
CookieConsent           tzirakian.comStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain1 yearInternal
__utm.gifgoogle-analytics.comGoogle Analytics Tracking Code that logs details about the visitor’s browser and computer.Session3rd party
__utmatzirakian.comCollects data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. Used by Google Analytics.2 yearsInternal
_utmbtzirakian.comRegisters a timestamp with the exact time of when the user accessed the website. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit.1 dayInternal
__utmctzirakian.comRegisters a timestamp with the exact time of when the user leaves the website. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit.SessionInternal
__utmttzirakian.comUsed to throttle the speed of requests to the server.1 dayInternal
__utmztzirakian.comCollects data on where the user came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked and what search term was used. Used by Google Analytics.6 monthsInternal
hex (32)tzirakian.comUnclassifiedSessionInternal


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